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Making sure girls and young women have a voice – and are heard

[type representative’s name and title here]

[type department here]

[type address here]

[type date here]

I am writing to request our government to take immediate steps towards ensuring girls and young women are able to fully exercise their right to participate in public and political life – their right to be heard and listened to.

International human rights law guarantees the rights of girls and young women to take part in political and public life, freedom of expression and opinion, and the freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 

Girls and young women are already working hard to help create a fairer, more democratic world.

But many face multiple obstacles to having a voice in decisions about their own lives and about the world in which they live.

These challenges include being shut out from the public sphere, harassment and violence, legal obstacles and institutional hurdles.

Here in [country], women face [insert local challenge]. I am particularly concerned about [insert personal priority].

Increasing the involvement of girls and young women in public life will strengthen our nation, by helping us all make better decisions – ones that better reflect our broader society.

To make sure girls and young women have a voice and are heard, we need to:

  • Tear down the barriers – cultural, legal, administrative, financial, structural – that limit girls’ and young women’s voice and agency; and
  • Build structures and systems that empower all girls and young women to be active participants in their own lives and in public affairs.

I ask that you adopt and implement the recommendations of the UN Working Group on Discrimination against Women and Girls thematic report on Girl’s and Young Women’s Activism. The report can be found at

I believe that you as my government representative have an important role to play in helping ensure girls and young women are part of decision-making processes in [country] and I ask that you consider how we can make them happen. Thank you for considering this request. I’d appreciate a response that outlines what action you’re taking to address these issues. 


[Type your name]